Android 4.4.4 rolls out to several Nexus devices

Google quietly updates KitKat with security fixes, including one patch for a flaw discovered in OpenSSL after the notorious Heartbleed bug was uncovered.

Even though Android 4.4.3 KitKat has only been out a couple of weeks, Google quietly released an updated version to its operating system on Thursday.
Android 4.4.4 is now available for download on several Nexus devices via theNexus Factory Image page. Those devices listed for the update include the Nexus 4, 5, 7, and 10.
Based on scant information from the Nexus Factory Image page and a Google+ post from Android Engineering Program Manager Sascha Prüter, this new Android 4.4.4 version is fairly minor and basically entails a few security patches. Prüter hinted that the update primarily addresses the CVE-2014-0224 flaw, which wasdiscovered in OpenSSL after the notorious Heartbleed bug was uncovered.
According to Prüter, more information on the update will be available within another 48 hours. It's unclear when Android 4.4.4 will be rolled out to other devices.
Google unveiled Android 4.4.3 earlier this month, which brought an improved dialer with a new interface and more colors designed to be user-friendly. The update also delivered bug fixes, security patches, and overall stability improvements, including a fix aimed at resolving battery drain that occurred with camera use.

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